بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم والصلاة والسلام على أشرف المرسلين سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم أما بعد
أقدم لكم شهادة
"eCPPT v2"
مترجمة باللغة العربية تسهيلا لكل متعلم يواجه صعوبة فى اللغة الانجليزية.
1- Advanced Port Scanning
2- Authentication Bruteforcing
3- Bypassing Firewalls and Data Exfiltration with DNS Tunneling 1
4- Client Side Exploitation
5- DLL Hijacking
6- EternalBlue and Metasploit
7- Exploiting Unquoted Service Paths
8- Exploiting via Pivoting
9- Foca Shodan
10- Host Discovery with Fping Hping Nmap 1
11- Hping Basics
12- Idle Scan Hping Nmap
13- Information Gathering DNS
14- LM NTLM Cracking 1
15- Maintaing Access
16- Maltego
17- Man in the Middle
18- Mapping the Network
19- Metasploit Basic Usage 1
20- Metasploit Usage
21- Meterpreter SSL Certificate Impersonation and Detection Evasion
22- Nessus
23- NetBIOS and Null Session 1
24- Nmap Basics
25- Nmap NSE
26- Obtaining Stored Credentials with SessionGopher
27- Pillaging
28- Privilege Escalation
29- Remote Exploitation
30- Responder and Multirelay
31- SNMP Enumeration
32- Social Engineering Linux Targets
33- Traffic Sniffing with TCPdump
34- Whois Lookup
35- Wireshark Introduction
36- Empire Overview
37- Introduction to Leveraging+WMI and Method for Persistence
38- UAC Bypass PowerShell Exploit Script Walkthrough
39- debugging buffer overflows goodpassword
40- Exploiting Buffer Overflows 32bit FTP
41- Immunity Debugger
42- Stack Frames